6.5. Custom Layers

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. Design a layer that takes an input and computes a tensor reduction, i.e., it returns

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-24

6.4. Lazy Initialization

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. What happens if you specify the input dimensions to the first layer but not to subseq

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-23

6.2. Parameter Management

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. Use the NestMLP model defined in Section 6.1 and access the parameters of the various

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-23

6.1. Layers and Modules

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. What kinds of problems will occur if you change MySequential to store modules in a Py

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-23

5.7. Predicting House Prices on Kaggle

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises import pandas as pd import time from tqdm import tqdm import sys import torch import tor

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-23

5.6. Dropout

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises import time from tqdm import tqdm import sys import torch import torchvision from torchv

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-22

5.5. Generalization in Deep Learning

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. In what sense do traditional complexity-based measures fail to account for generaliza

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-22

5.4. Numerical Stability and Initialization

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. Can you design other cases where a neural network might exhibit symmetry that needs b

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-22

5.3. Forward Propagation, Backward Propagation, and Computational Graphs

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. Assume that the inputs X to some scalar function f are n*m matrices. What is the dime

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-21

5.2. Implementation of Multilayer Perceptrons

github: https://github.com/pandalabme/d2l/tree/main/exercises 1. Change the number of hidden units num_hiddens and plot how its number affects the acc

narcissuskid narcissuskid 发布于 2023-08-21